Sales Representative To A
Customer / Doctor is
Roughly ₹1000
Average Duration of Call - 2 Minutes
Sample + Gifts = ₹25,000
Promotional Items = ₹10,000
An innovative brochure can
triple the call productivity and
double the average duration of call.
About Lumicon
Manufacturer and provider of innovative brochures specifically designed for the healthcare industry. With a deep understanding of the unique needs and challenges faced by healthcare professionals, we strive to revolutionize the way information is communicated and delivered to medical practitioners and organizations.
Lumi Brochures in ACTION

We loved the brochures and our customers loved them as well.

Mankind Pharma
Cattle based brochures are really outstanding. Working even in rural areas.

Wellcon Animal health
Working with Lumicon is a treat. The support we get for our products is just great.

Sun Pharma
Engagement with customers is skyrocket with Lumicon brochures.